lundi 25 avril 2016

The story is continuing: we are walking, seeing, hearing, loving.

For a long time it was not possible to find any internet connection and which is more important, the time to describe and depict everything that happened during those days. And indeed so many things occurred, and all were good.
But first things first.

In the town of Mazsalaca there was an open-arm story about creativity that awakes in the heart of an elderly woman.
Grandmother we have visited, is making amazing mittens - they are reversible, therefore, warmer than usual ones. All patterns she draws on her imagination, and looking at a few dozen of her handiworks, you are really surprised because she does not only creates the pattern but she knows exactly how to depict them on the mittens. She tried to teach me a little bit, but of course, it takes much more time that I had that day.
The conversation was quite long and I was so absorbed by it that I totally forgot about any photos. I hope Stephan will show you more of this beauty :)

After, we continued our way to the city of Valmera. The place was at about 30 km, that’s why we were a bit in a hurry. Some would say that it is nothing – to walk 30 kilometers, but believe me, when you carry on your shoulders half of your own weight the pace is slowing a bit down...

In the evening we waded into a small farm and decided to ask to stay for the night in the barn or the bath-house. This way we wouldn’t have to put up a tent and it could save time in the evening and morning, and moreover, keep my slightly cold nose safe.
The hostess, that greeted us looking out from the barn, was very surprised by our demand, but in a moment proposed us to spend the night in a small but such a cozy bath-house. We had a roof over heads and it made us very happy.

The evening was warm in all respects: we made a fire, roasted potatoes, boiled the water and talked with our hosts - Jautrite and Valdis.
They have their own farm: a huge garden with three cows. They said that at times life is not easy, but they are happy with it even if sometimes they miss the days of the Soviet Union. I asked why? They answered that just because people were friendlier, more helpful, people believed and trusted more. Times have changed and people have changed a bit too...

I would add for myself that the couple managed to keep the good and hospitality in hearts, they kept the generosity and simple humanity. We asked for a roof but received a warm bed, fresh milk, homemade cream with cake and a care that can’t be forgotten!

With Jautrite we discussed the attitude of Latvians towards Russians. She said that she is always surprised by things that are broadcasted: Latvians do not like Russians. On the contrary, they do so much! And believe me, I had plenty opportunities to experience that.
During the year of regular visits to Latvia, while in central Riga or remote towns and villages, I had never faced any distaste for myself. People were always very open and happy to talk and speak in Russian. So that the country and its people are open to us.)

In the morning, as it was expected, we packed fast, thanked the hosts for all the goodness. But apparently it couldn’t be that simple :) Jautrite gave us apples (that were probably the tastiest in my life), she gifted us two pairs of woolen socks that she made herself, and we received an invitation to come back one day :)

We wished them all the best and gratefully continued the trip.

The day was about to be long - 25 km to walk. We went smoothly and rhythmically taking narrow but very flat roads, walking among the trees, passing by fields and forests.

At every two bus stops, we had short pauses. Thanks to local government, they were all new benches - it was incredibly good to rest on them.)

Of course, you can always improve something and make it even more pleasant. That is why we brightened up our walk-pauses with Latvian apples and English conversations.
And  we even warmed farm milk on the way. The method was simple: a bench, a gaz stove, a cup of milk (we always carry our favorite iron hiking-cups), a bit of cinnamon, and voila – yum-yum!

That day was quite long and we finished it in our tent sinking into deep sleep.

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